Community Discussion: What do we mean by Organizational Effectiveness?

As you’ll recall I posed on March 8th a question of definition for Organizational Effectiveness (OE).  You’ll recall that I stated that defining OE is considered “elusive” [1, 2], that there is no accepted definition of it [3].  In short, scholars suggest that it can’t be defined. Many of our colleagues entered this discussion.  And, … More Community Discussion: What do we mean by Organizational Effectiveness?

Organizational Effectiveness: A Working Definition

While defining organizational effectiveness is considered “elusive” [1, 2], that there is no accepted definition of it [3], some scholars nevertheless consider an attempt to do so will include the concept that successful organizations achieve their missions through their core strategies.  We can’t define it. Others contend, as admonished by a pioneer in organizational psychology, … More Organizational Effectiveness: A Working Definition